Product Details:
The oli-1® formula contains an ultra-high concentration of epidermal growth factors (oligopeptide-1/EGF) and powerful active ingredients, effectively promoting the rate of new cell regeneration and improving skin tissue. It helps restore the skin’s brightness, firmness, and youthful radiance.
Applications and Benefits:
- Promotes cell regeneration, improving signs of aging: Tightens skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes pores, fades dark spots, and brightens dull skin tone.
- Epidermal wound care: Effective for acne, burns, ulcers, and mild inflammation.
- Aids in wound healing: Soothes redness or inflammation caused by trauma or non-invasive cosmetic treatments.
- Boosts skin hydration and balances oil secretion, resulting in healthier and more radiant skin.
- Packaging: PP plastic bottle with an airtight vacuum pump and built-in aluminum foil pouch. This design effectively prevents oxidation and UV damage, ensuring 100% stability of the active ingredients while fully protecting the product from viruses, bacteria, or external contamination.
How to Use
- Apply twice daily, morning and evening, after cleansing.
- For best results, use in combination with oli-1® Replenishing Complex and/or asta-1® Reviving Jelly.
oli-1®配方蘊含超高濃度表皮細胞再生因子(oligopeptide-1/EGF)及高效活性成份,有效促進新生細胞比率,改善皮膚組織,讓肌膚重現白晳 ,緊緻及年輕光采。
促進細胞再生,改善皮膚老化現象 – 緊緻肌膚,減淡幼紋及皺紋,收細毛孔,淡化色斑,改善暗啞膚色。
PP塑膠瓶 – 全封閉式真空噴頭及內置鋁箔袋設計,有效防止產品受氧化及紫外線影響,100%穩定配方內活躍成份,並全面保護產品免受任何病毒,細菌或外來污染。
每日兩回。早晚潔面後使用。配合oli-1® Replenishing Complex或/和 asta-1® Reviving Jelly 使用效果至佳。