Derml S 能有效及安全地阻隔紫外線。透過獨有的尖端絲蛋白納米膠囊技術,能全面對抗紫外線UVA及UVB。此外,內含的有效成份能為肌膚帶來長效的保濕效果。Derml S 質感水潤輕盈,不含添加劑,塗後能保持清爽的感覺。 內含蝦紅素(色澤為粉紅),能防止雀班, 皺紋和黑頭的形成,讓妳的肌膚延緩衰老,回復青春。
*Derml S可作為妝前底霜使用。
蝦紅素, 皇牌活化精煉水、仿膠原蛋白、海藻萃取、透明質酸等
*抗衰老:能防止雀班, 皺紋及黑頭的形成
用前請先搖勻。將適量的Derml S均勻塗於臉上或身體各部份。為了持續的防曬效果,請於抹汗後再塗上Derml S。
※It can act as foundation for make-up
※Derml S is suitable to any skin conditions of babies, children, and adults, even for allergic skin and post laser treatment.
Main Ingredients:
Refined water, Atelocollagen, Alagae Extract, Hyalunate, Astaxanthin etc.
UVA protection; PA+++, UVB protection; SPF30
Moisturizing effect; long lasting moisturizing by effective ingredients such as Atelocollagen and Hyaluronate
Anti-aging effect; prevent skin conditions such as freckles and sun spots on skin.
Effective Date:
Within 90 days after open
Shake it well. Take adequate amount on a hand and spread evenly on skin. Maintain sunscreen effect put on please again after wiping sweat.